Have doubts about Christianity? Me too. But I also doubt my doubts. Don't be a lazy doubter. Be mindful.
Divine Hiddenness
Why isn't God more obvious?
category: lecture -
Pascal’s Wager
Is God a Good Gamble? If you couldn't be sure whether God exists, what will you bet? You might want to bet that God is.
category: lecturetag: epistemology -
Fine-Tuning Argument for God
We explore the foundations of physics to find clues of a creator. Is our universe really lucky? Or is there a divine designer behind the scenes?
The Problem of Evil
In this presentation given to Ratio Christi on October 25, 2023, we look at the problem of evil under a Christian worldview and offer some solutions.
The Moral Argument for God
In this presentation given on October 18, 2023 to Ratio Christi, we look at an argument for God's existence based on metaethics.
Why I’m not a Mormon (reference guide)
If you know the relevant texts, refuting Mormonism becomes trivial.
Does science contradict religion?
While science does contradict some religions, Christianity can maintain its integrity in light of modern scientific discoveries.
Is there a conflict between faith and science?
There are many apparent conflicts, but none succeed against Christianity after serious examination.
tag: science -
Will the “answer” to prayer happen even if I don’t pray?
God can answer prayer in very clever ways.
category: Quick Answertag: prayer